LYMPO REVIEW How to turn your sweat steps walk datas into cryptocurrency...

Mobile Health Ecosystem & User Incentive Platform like Beat App or tracking app building eco system around that data, incentivizing activities allow you to earn.
1. Mobile Health Eco System — Users, Personal Trainers, Insurance Companies, Doctor’s, Food Companies & Researchers.
2. User links app to wallet API — Earns Crytpto & Spend Offers is like Steem for fitness industry
3. Problem: Monetization — “You’re not getting from it to end users”, Technology & Health Data, Incentives, Access
4. Token — Making & Receiving payment, trans
5. Potential — 189 usd Billion business exponential growth by 2025
6. Partners — GymPro (personal trainer) Smackway (health foods) World Class Athletes (fitness pros) PundiX (POS) you can spend 10 to 20 usd a week
7. Market Cap on Release 13.6 Million base on supply 650 circulating supply , 2 cents per token very low entry
8. Established 2016 already generating revenue and 500+ professionals on B2B app version “working business”
9. Team — 11 , Advisors — 13 : Young Team & Energetic team World Class Pros “Start up potential”
10.Developing the wallet boarding more partners — Apps, Wallet, Partners
1. User data storage, privacy & sharing ability (privacy feature)
2. Smart Contracts — Tokens for activity & Goal hitting
3. Data for all Ecosystem parties
4. Solid data for Insurance Purposes, Offers, Health Professionals
5. Blockchain — Advanced technological ability to evolve to deliver value